RMA considers the Environment as a fundamental resource to be conserved and protected. The awareness of the vital importance of a responsible and proactive behaviour towards the ecological issues, leads RMA to seek out ways to minimise its environmental footprint. The pursuing of environmentally friendly solution led RMA to invest in the new ultrasonic industrial cleaning operation, dismissing the traditional solvent based machine. The environmental stewardship is inspired by the 4R philosophy: Recycle, Reuse, Respect and Reduce. A great deal of attention is paid to the efficient use of energy, to the careful handling of raw materials and promoting the separation
and privileging the reuse and recycling of materials with respect to disposal at the end of
their life cycle. Our employees are expected to reduce the consumption of resources such as water and to consider their environmental responsibility before printing.
These are small steps, but the society firmly believes that small steps lead to increased understanding and change.